The ‘Botanical Florence Nightingales of Meaford Hospital’

Spring cleanup group, April 2024

The garden fountain.

Gardeners at the planter.

Our white burst tree.

Volunteer Gardeners, Spring 2019, before Covid!

The Welcome Garden after our ‘Renewal’.

The Memorial Healing Garden, a private sanctuary for staff, patients and families.

This Hydrangea Standard was donated by Hospital staff in memory of a much loved nurse.

Newly planted astilbes in the Welcome Garden.

Volunteer Gardeners want to send a Big Thank You


The Hospital’s Volunteer Gardeners want to send a big thank you to the community for their amazing support and generosity. The plant sale was a thrilling success. All the proceeds are going to a hospital project that is very dear to our gardeners’ hearts – making the patio in the sanctuary garden outside the patient rooms wheel chair accessible.

A big thank you as well to the Hospital Foundation and the Hospital staff for their ongoing support.

Our story

Several years ago the grounds of Meaford Hospital were practically barren, just a sea of scrub and particularly nasty garlic weed. Now beautiful gardens provide a healing atmosphere for patients, a respite space for staff, and beauty for all.
The  gardens were created and have been lovingly cared for over those twelve years by a team of dedicated volunteers, at no cost to the hospital. Supplies, furnishings and plants are all donated, many of them dug from our own gardens. Every spring, we also hold a plant sale, and throughout the years, that sale was the only source of income we had to finance our efforts.
That changed two years ago when we launched a renewal project featuring beautiful new flowers, new furnishings, tons of triple mix, mulch, and many hundreds of volunteer hours and sweat.
As always, the people of Meaford stepped up with generous donations to help make it happen.
Please drop by and enjoy the beautiful gardens created with love for our community.

The Work Goes On

In 2020, we created a new special garden sanctuary that as a retreat for patients, their families and staff. During Covid this garden became a private place for our front line workers to de-stress and heal. Not to mention a setting for many touching ‘lockdown’ visits through the patients’ closed windows.

In 2021, we were able to add irrigation systems to two of the gardens. We all get older and it was time to say good bye to years of hauling water buckets, while praying for rain.

This was all thanks to the generousity of the community.

As always, the labour and the green thumbs are ours to give.

Please support our continued work in the gardens.

We need you to help make this happen.

Meaford Hospital Volunteer Gardeners are part of the team that makes this hospital so beautiful. We created the hospital gardens from nothing fifteen years ago as our gift to the community. The gardens provide a healing atmosphere for patients, a respite space for staff, and a welcome for all.

If you love gardening or just want to learn more,  new volunteers are always welcome, and needed. What could be better than digging in with people who share your passion?

If you want to know more please contact us at or call Jen at 647-393-7270.

Our plant sale is Saturday June 8th, 8:30 a.m. in the hospital Gazebo.
We are donating all the proceeds from this year’s plant sale to the hospital to help make the patio in the sanctuary garden wheel chair accessible. The garden is tucked in beside the ravine behind the hospital. Patient rooms and the palliative unit overlook the treasure of a garden.

Donations of $20 and over will receive a tax receipt. Thank you. 

Our Supporters:

We are very grateful to our donors. We could not do it without you.

Landscape Supplies & Services:

Good Family Farm
Axess Arborist and Tree Services
Georgian Bay Landscaping
Annan-Way Nursery
Grey Heron Garden Centre
Knight’s Home Building Centre
Zwart’s Topsoil and Landscape Supplies

Our Community Donors:

Meaford Hospital Foundation
Meaford Hospital Auxiliary
Meaford Hospital Staff
Meaford Council
Apple Harvest Craft Show
Community Foundation Grey Bruce

And Private Donors…

Private donations are also necessary for supplies and to continue to improve the gardens.
Private donations can be made Here.