Keep Your Legacy Close to Home
You are the reason we can keep outstanding care close to home. Thank you so much for your support!
In Meaford and Town of the Blue Mountains, caring about each other is what we do. With a legacy gift, you can extend this spirit of caring towards family, friends and neighbours who will need us in the coming years.
Your generosity, helps provide the most advanced medical treatment and state-of-the-art patient care; right here, close to home. It’s a priceless gift that will save and improve countless lives.
A legacy gift is one you plan now to benefit hospital patients in the future. The three most common options are a gift in your Will, a gift of retirement funds (RRSPs and RRIFs) or a gift of life insurance. You might be surprised to learn how little it costs to leave a legacy of compassionate, expert hospital care for family, friends and neighbours in Meaford and Town of the Blue Mountains. Check out our Bequest Infographic and discover how it could work for you.
A Gift in Your Will
A gift in your Will enables you to support life-saving diagnosis and care for family, friends and neighbours in the years to come without affecting your current income or standard of living. Tax savings are available for your Estate. Download more information and sample language for Will gifts.
A Gift of Retirement Funds
Designating the Foundation as beneficiary, alternate or partial beneficiary of your RRSP or RRIF plan is one of the simplest and most private ways to make a legacy gift to the Meaford Hospital Foundation. There are significant tax advantages for your Estate. Download more information on RRSP/RRIF giving.
A Gift of Life Insurance
A gift of life insurance can be an excellent way to use a policy you may no longer need to make a gift that will make a significant difference for patients. There are tax savings for you during your lifetime – or for your Estate, depending on how your gift is arranged. Learn more about giving with life insurance.
Thank you!
Our Caring for Tomorrow Society recognizes those who plan legacy gifts. We would like to acknowledge your thoughtfulness and welcome you into this growing group of committed and passionate supporters. If you prefer, your gift can remain anonymous and of course, you’re never under any obligation.

If you have included a gift in your Will for Meaford Hospital Foundation or planned another legacy gift, please complete and send us this Legacy Gift Reply Form. We’d love to hear from you!
We Can Help
For help with planning a Will gift or other legacy, please contact us. We would be delighted to work with you and your advisors to arrange a gift that suits your unique circumstances and goals.
Willard VanderPloeg, Charitable Giving Advisor
519-376-2121 ext. 2736 or 519-538-1311 ext. 4208
What is Your Will Power?
The Meaford Hospital Foundation is a proud partner in the national Will Power movement. Learn more about the impact your Will can have for family, friends and neighbours. Visit:
We gratefully acknowledge the support of Bayshore Broadcasting for the Will Power campaign throughout Grey Bruce.
This information provides a brief overview on planning a gift to Meaford Hospital Foundation. The information is general in nature and is subject to change according to individual circumstances. You should always consult your own professional advisors for detailed information tailored to your own circumstances and to confirm applicable tax benefits.

Caring for Tomorrow
with a gift in your Will...
You might be surprised to learn how little it costs to leave a legacy of compassionate, expert care.
Discover how it could work for you: