Bette Sweatman is a grateful patient.
Here is her story…
There are many heroes in our health care system and I have had the opportunity to be treated and cared for by many. When I reached my 50’s, retaining my good health started to become a challenge. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and all the treatments, medications, rehabilitation that involves.
With the gentle touch of health care providers and ever-loving support from family and friends, I survived!
Regrettably, some years later, my aging “ticker” started to give me a hard time, with a diagnosis of serious arterial stenosis, which led to open heart surgery for a replacement aortic valve; a pacemaker to get my rhythm right and later an implant of a stent to improve blood flow.
Again with the terrific patience and support from the care team, I got through it!
Sadly, more health challenges emerged in 2023. I had a brain bleed causing seizure and stroke-like symptoms. Brightshores Health System came to the rescue. I was quickly transferred from Meaford to Owen Sound for further diagnosis and treatment.
I have had a lot of experience with hospitals and always felt comforted in their care. I have been in the hands of folks who “knew their stuff”. Caring, thoughtful, nurses, technicians and doctors that I could count on to see me through yet another medical challenge. When I found myself in the care of the Community Stroke Rehabilitation Team operating out of the Owen Sound Regional Hospital, I called this program “angels home delivery”. I will be forever grateful.
To the many heroes in our health care system, in all of the hospitals in the Brightshores Health System, we tip our hat to you. And to you, the donors, who make all of this possible, PLEASE TAKE A BIG BOW AS WE TIP OUR HAT TO YOU. I have been through many challenges in my life but I worry a lot less because of you.
Bette Sweatman,
Volunteer Gardener at Meaford Hospital